Is Organic Baby Food Better for Babies?

When it comes to babies, most people worry about what is put into their tiny digestive systems. We’re careful about when they begin eating solid foods, when they can have cereal, then fruits and vegetables and when they can move from formula or breast milk to dairy foods. In the search to find the healthiest options for their babies, many parents are turning to organic baby food for their infants, to eliminate the ingestion of pesticides.

While pesticides can be harmful to everyone, the concern for babies is much greater due to their size and their developing immune and digestive systems. Babies’ brains are still developing and so is their ability to rid the body of toxins. Because their diets are primarily fruits and vegetables while they are young, the effects of pesticides used in growing the produce are of particular concern.

Organic baby food is growing in popularity, despite the fact that it costs more than traditional baby food. When a baby food is labeled “organic”, it means there were no pesticides or herbicides used in the production of the baby food- from the ground to the grocery shelf, the product is free from any chemical additives. Organically grown meats mean the animals are fed an organic diet and haven’t been given growth hormones or other chemicals or antibiotics.

One of the least expensive ways to make sure you know exactly what your infant is eating is to make your own baby food. Whether you grow your own fruits and vegetables or buy organic whole foods in the store, you can make your own baby food with a blender and freeze it in portions. An ice cube tray works great as a portion maker- each cube is approximately one ounce of food.

As more and more parents choose organic baby food for their little ones, the entire organic industry is supported, which will eventually lead to lower prices, allowing organic foods to be competitively priced. In the meantime, it still makes sense to support organically grown foods. Eliminating pesticides in the fields means eliminating pesticides in the soil, leading to a cleaner, safer environment overall.

When it comes to safely feeding babies, it seems clear that organic baby foods are a positive healthy choice. There are several brands of organic baby food available on the market, with a variety of flavor choices so your little one can have the variety they crave and the safety you desire.

1 thought on “Is Organic Baby Food Better for Babies?”

  1. The food that is ground isn’t super smooth. It’s more like the No.2 and 3 baby jar food. For dinner, we might have chicken, brown rice, and veggies. I just take a little of each, and I have the baby’s dinner ready in minutes, without having to get up!


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