Organic and Your Baby – Do They Go Together?

If you’ve thought about going organic, what better time than when a new baby is coming? We’ve heard of organic baby foods, but are there other ways you can use organic products and materials when getting ready for a new baby?

When you are preparing your home for a new baby, you naturally want everything to be as safe and as comfortable as it can be. From the food you feed your infant to the clothes they wear, you want to be certain nothing can harm them. One way you can be sure your baby is kept comfortable and safe from harmful chemicals is to go green- use as many organic products as you can. By choosing organic materials and products, you are cutting down on the multitude of chemicals your baby is exposed to. This is especially important with infants, as their immune systems are still developing and they are far more sensitive to chemicals, germs and additives.

One way you can use organic products for your infant is by choosing clothing made from organic materials. Organically grown cotton, for example, is much healthier than traditionally grown cotton. Five of the nine pesticides used in growing and manufacturing cotton are known to be cancer-causing chemicals. When you purchase clothing from organically-grown cotton, you eliminate this risk.

Part of the problem comes from the fact that many of the pesticides and other chemicals used when growing and manufacturing cotton are petroleum based chemicals. They remain in the material even after washing, so your child’s skin is continually exposed to the toxins. Some figures estimate that over 800 million pounds of pesticides are used to produce traditional cotton in the US every year! While the amount of exposure in clothing may be limited, there are no conclusive reports on the long-term effects of that exposure. More and more families are deciding that any risk to their babies’ health is too much risk.

Organically grown cotton contains no pesticides or other chemicals that can affect either your skin or the environment. Instead, farmers use natural enemies of the insects that feed on cotton to keep the crop pest free. They also plant trap crops to attract the destructive insects and prevent them from invading the cotton crop. Any item that is labeled organic cotton has been certified by a third-party to guarantee it meets quality standards.

As you choose clothing and other materials for your new baby, look for items labeled as organically grown cotton. You’ll know you are providing the safest, cleanest clothing for your new baby. After all, your little one deserves the very best.

1 thought on “Organic and Your Baby – Do They Go Together?”

  1. Organic and baby products definitely go together. They are less harsh on babies sensitive skin and digestive systems. Everything from clothing, food, bedding and toys are better when they are organic. Toxins and materials that are not good for babies are used in many of the baby products we buy. When given the choice to buy organic it is definitely worth it. Thanks for your advice.


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