Nerf Takes Aim At Girls With Its New Bow

Nerf Rebelle

For years Nerf has been creating toys that are designed at using your imagination to conquer everything from your backyard to the schoolyard. They have done all this with boys aimed in mind but not anymore. Nerf has launched a new line aimed at girls as it is getting their attention.

I think it is safe to say that when Brave came out last year, tons of little girls realized that not only can you be a princess, you can also be athletic. Merida and her long bow captured the hearts of everyone and now Nerf has created a bow that is sure to please girls everywhere. Future Katniss Everdeen’s can seek glory and take over the world with their Nerf Rebelle Bow Blaster Heartbreaker.

nerf rebelle

The Nerf Rebelle Bow Blaster Heartbreaker is the newest toy and one of the best out there for girls. Nerf took their time in designing these as it is obvious right away that they are designed for every future butt kicking princess out there. Girls have their choice between a blue and white bow (Vine design) or a black, white and pink one (Phoenix design).

This bow shoots up to 75 feet and extra collectible darts are available for the girl who plans on attacking with more than the standard 5 darts that come with the bow. The dart storage for the bow holds all five darts and fits on an accessory rail. Each collectible dart features a different design and you can also get your future archery champion a Diva Dart Bag to store all her Heartbreaker darts in.

I gave this to my daughter to test out and she had a blast! She played for hours with the bow, practicing her aim and shooting darts at everything within eye range. There is a sight on the bow that we adjusted to assist with aim and it was easy to work. Safety is important so goggles are always worn when we have Nerf wars and Nerf even makes matching goggles for the Rebelle Heartbreaker.

My daughter feels powerful and loves the idea that she can be just like Merida and Katniss. I noticed that when playing her aim gets better and better and she can’t seem to put it down. While this is aimed at girls, boys can target practice with the Rebelle Heartbreaker as well. The Nerf Rebelle Bow Blaster Heartbreaker is sure to help your daughter gain confidence and find her inner champion.

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