When can babies drink water?

Having a baby is a wonderful experience, especially so if you’re one of the 15% of Australians that have been dealing with infertility issues.

However, the arrival of your baby is only that start. From then on you’ll be concerned with what is and isn’t good for them. Things that you’ve always taken for granted will suddenly be re-considered, such as water.

You already know that breast milk is considered the better option for babies. But, did you realize that you shouldn’t give water to babies under 6 months old? In addition, after they pass 6 months it’s only recommended to  give them a very little water.

The Problem With Water

Water contains a variety of minerals and chemicals that could be harmful to the development of your baby. When babies are first born they are very vulnerable to the effect of chemicals and other compounds in their food and drink.

Giving the water can make them unwell.

It is also worth noting that water will quickly fill the stomach of a small baby, leaving them feeling full but without the nutrition they need. Instead of giving them water they should be having breast milk, this will give them the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong.

After 6 Months

Once your baby has turned 6 months they can consume a little water.  However, breast milk or formula milk should remain their main drink. Any water given to a baby over6 months should be boiled first and then left to cool. This effectively distills it and removes harmful minerals, giving your baby as pure water as possible.

After 12 Months

It is only when your baby reaches 12 months old that you can start allowing them to drink water. At this stage it doesn’t need to be boiled first.

However, you may wish to consider using filter that offers 5 stage reverse osmosis. The filter consists of 5 definitive stages which combine to remove bacteria, minerals, VOCs, and even make the water taste better.

Despite the best efforts of the water treatment plant, your tap water can arrive with issues. Using this type of filter will ensure the water you’re giving your baby is good for them. It won’t do you any harm to drink it as well.

It’s worth noting that your baby should sip water when they start to eat solid food. This will help them to get used to the idea of drinking, specifically from a cup. It will also help to keep them hydrated and reduce the risk of constipation in your child.

Hot Weather Considerations

It can be tempting to give your baby water when the weather is really hot. However, this is not a good idea. Even in hot weather your baby will fill up too quickly and end up not consuming enough milk and nutrients.

Stick to milk, water and other types of drink are not beneficial to your baby before they are 12 months old. Don’t forget that drinks with caffeine in shouldn’t be drunk by children, no matter what their age.

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