3 Ways To Keep Your Kids Learning Over Summer Break

It’s tempting to ditch school work over the summer. The sun is out. The pool is open. It seems like a perfect time to kick educational lessons to the curb and embrace fun. However, that summer lag can create a regression, making it difficult to readjust in the fall. Math facts are easily lost if not used. Reading can take steps backward, creating frustration and disappointment. For that reason, it’s important to try and find a healthy compromise, keeping a bit of schoolwork in your children’s day while they relax with friends. If you’re looking for some enjoyable ways to make summer study fun, consider the following three methods.

Plan Camp Time

Not all parents are cut out to teach, so sometimes it’s best to allow professionals to further schooling. Day camps and schools are certainly an option, and they aren’t what they used to be. As a little one, campers spent time coloring and playing chase the flag. While that still happens. Much of the day now focuses on engagement, encouraging patrons to see happiness in exploring and knowledge. Places work with coding lessons, arts and traditional curriculum, embedding it into a day full of play. Research summer school redmond wa to locate a program that satisfies your goals.

Establish a Morning Schedule

Create a routine that your family agrees to complete and believes in. This holds everyone accountable. Think about your lifestyle when you do it. Don’t overreach, and keep it simple. For example, if you know you’re likely to not stick to it later in the day, make a calendar and refuse to allow electronics until everything is done. You can all cross off the requirements before lunch, encouraging focus and efficiency. Plan only what is necessary, avoiding overload. That may mean a worksheet or two or perhaps 30 minutes of reading and then reviewing math flash cards.

Play Games

If worksheets are too droll, then pick out activities that everyone enjoys a bit more. Family time could really be study time if you plan it outright. Play card games. These help with sequence, memory and numbers. Grab a Scrabble Jr board, spending some time with spelling rules and words. Yahtzee goes over counting. Monopoly helps with money, subtraction and logic. If you want something a bit more independent, then find some online games that review phonics, sight words or addition. These sneaky choices don’t even seem like work. Allot about 30 minutes a day.

Move forward this summer rather than experience a lapse. Organize some time for brain work. It’s important.

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