Bio-Kidz Probiotic Review

As you may already know, we need good bacteria in our gut in order to improve our digestive system and overall health. And so as health-conscious parents that we are, we make sure that aside from eating clean, we’re also aware about the need to take in good bacteria. So we incorporate probiotic food in our diet such as yogurt, and some beverage products that claim to be ‘probiotic’.

But how would you know if the benefits of the good bacteria you consume is guaranteed? And if it’s making its way alive and of beneficial quantity through the gut in the first place? Well, the answer is: through the backing of published clinical studies that support the product’s claims. I never questioned the probiotic products my family consumed before, and I’m glad that Bio-Kidz dared me to!

Bio Kidz

My kids got yummy samples of Bio-Kidz 100% Probiotic drink by Bio-K+, and the flavors we got are Vanilla and Strawberry. Each 98g bottle contains 12.5 billion 100% probiotic bacteria, which is an adequate amount in maintaining a healthy intestinal flora. It is certified gluten-free, and is recommended for everyday consumption for kids aged 2 and up. It also contains Vitamin D3 and Calcium! Looks like my kids are getting so much from a very small bottle.

Bio Kidz Probiotic

bio-k probiotic

Speaking of small bottle, my kids wished the serving was bigger! They loved the taste, which you would think to be sweet, and you’re right. It is pleasantly sweet enough for kids to love. But what I like about it is that it’s naturally sweetened with stevia organic extract. So yeah, I sure wish too the bottle was bigger, but 98g is just the right amount for the live bacteria to thrive and work effectively.

Just to reaffirm the hundred benefits of probiotics, here are some that we must never forget:

  • overall digestive health (helps boost the amount of good bacteria in the intestinal tract)
  • stronger immune system (where 80% of our immune system comes from the intestines)
  • defense and healing from various inflammatory and infectious conditions (gastrointestinal problems, obesity, metabolic illnesses, allergies, skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis, etc.)
  • restore the balance and natural microbiome diversity in the gut after the course of antibiotics (as the side effect of antibiotics is that it kills both bad and good bacteria)
  • also worth mentioning: proven studies on treating ADHD and depression, as bacteria also has brain-related functions

The above benefits are just a general outline, and they’re also what I’ve been observing from my kids after taking Bio-Kidz for several days. They’re happier and more energetic, and I haven’t heard them complain about anything so far (especially relating to gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pains, etc.).

And going back to the questions I raised in the beginning of this review, here’s what made me super confident that the benefits my kids get from Bio-Kidz is maximized and guaranteed:

  • The patented formula of Bio-K+ is the active cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285®, Lactobacillus casei LBC80R® and Lactobacillus rhamnosus CLR2®, which studies have proven to be “synergistic” or having lack of competition among them, which makes these 3 bacterial species work more effectively together in the product and in the gut.
  • The live bacteria are guaranteed to reach the gut. It’s because the manufacturing of fresh Bio-K+ products does not involve processing, so the bacteria are still alive and are intrinsically able to resist gastric acidity and bile salts. And the substrate of Bio-Kidz which is milk, adds protection to the bacteria.
  • Lactose intolerant? No problem. Depending on one’s lactose intolerance level, it may still be suitable to take Bio-Kidz because its Lactobacillus probiotic strains produce lactase. Lactase is the enzyme that helps digest lactose, so it’s also possible for lactose-intolerant individuals to gradually incorporate dairy to their diet!
  • Published clinical studies have shown that Bio-K+ products are 100% probiotic, and its claimed benefits and effectiveness are proven.

I and my kids shall not take just any probiotic products again without verifying their claims. You should, too! For more info about these wonderful studies and their complete citations, you can find it all in the dedicated Scientific Studies page of the Bio-K+ website. More reasons to entrust your kids’ gut health to Bio-Kidz.


4 thoughts on “Bio-Kidz Probiotic Review”

  1. OMG! This stuff is disgusting! no one in my family will drink it. granted it is the raspberry flavor, so perhaps the other flavors taste better, but we’re not going to find out. Someone else can choke this down.

  2. We love these ! I POke a hole for a straw and the kids 2 and 5 love it. Best probiotic drink for them. We have the strawberry one.


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