The Ugglys Pet Shop Pet Store Review

And the messiest persons I ever loved are none other than… my own kids. To me, it’s a daily struggle to keep them all tidy and clean. But in fact, we should allow our kids to get dirty and germy to help strengthen their immune system and not ruin their fun! They’re just so adorable when they’re all mucky and enjoying it, and don’t seem disgusted with themselves at all. But when we got The Ugglys Pet Shop goodies, I saw how my kids looked like they were having the most disgustingly grossest fun of their lives! 

The Ugglys Pet Shop Pet Store features a stackable playset where there are two gross homes and a removable roof. Around the pet store are several spots for more pets to stay on, like a wooden crate, a stack of newspapers, and the wide roof. Each gross home can fit two Ugglys pets too. When it’s assembled properly, you can press the roof and then the playset makes gross sounds, particularly monkey squeaks and long full burps! 

It also has an exclusive Ugglys pet figurine, which is Manic Monkey. He’s weirdly crazy-looking, with a banana peel on his head, and so much drool flowing out of his mouth. Yuck! 

The Ugglys Pet Shop Pet Store

We were pleasantly tricked by the packaging because it was made to look like 4 gross homes and 5 pets, but the 2 homes and all the other pets were just cardboard. It wasn’t so bad though, because we could  play with them too! 

the ugglys pet shop pet store

To make a full pet store, you’ll need to collect all six more of The Ugglys Pet Shop Gross Homes Packs with likewise exclusive Ugglys pets. Each gross home makes nasty sounds too, so when you stack them altogether in the Pet Store play set and press the roof at once, you’re in for so much grossly noise! 

There are 101 Ugglys pets to collect, and my kids can’t wait to just get them all! But for now, we got two The Ugglys Pet Shop mystery cans, where each can contains 2 Ugglys pets and a collector’s guide. 

Can I just say that these Ugglys pets are sooo disgustingly funny? Their names are the worst and grossest but they’re so disgusting that it sounds so silly! Like Poo Poodle, Not So Great Dane, Germy Shepherd, Junk Russell, and Puggly for example. And their look, they look so insanely filthy that if they were real animals I’d totally freak out! As if all the the slime, drool, barf, and poop on them are not enough, some pet figures are sticky and smelly too! But from my kids’ perspective, they’re enjoying the grossness so much with lots of “Eeew!” reactions while laughing their hearts out. They’re having literally gross but figuratively ’clean’ fun, if you know what I mean. 

On a brighter note, I think the grossness of these toys make them strongly unique. I mean, they’re toys that are just so hard to forget. But thinking about it, I thought The Ugglys Pet Shop is great because it allows my kids to experience grossness in a fun and safe way that I definitely approve of. And it grossly plays with their senses too: touch (some with sticky textures), hearing (gross sounds), sight (disgusting look), and even smell (some “stinky” pets). So yeah, these Ugglys might help lower the risk of us having OCD. Who knew I’d love it too?

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