Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier and Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer {Giveaway}

Prevention is always better than cure —  so cliche but true, especially in this inevitable cold and flu season. But when a nasty illness has already struck no matter how well we do prevention measures, there’s another thing that makes cure better. And that’s through effective illness management for easier recovery.

What do I mean by that? As a mom of two, I’ve had a fair share of worries when anyone in the family, especially my kids, get sick. I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes, prevention may not be enough. There should also be readiness when sickness strikes, and that I shouldn’t settle for second best when providing treatment to my sick loved ones. 

So aside from our natural remedies and must-have safe quality medicines, two of my best weapons for effectively monitoring and managing my kids’ discomfort and illnesses are Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier and the Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer.

We all need a good humidifier at home during the very cold winter season, to prevent ourselves from suffering throat discomfort and dry skin brought about by very low humidity, and to lower the chance of flu virus and bacteria survival in the air. And the coolest humidifier that my kids and I love is the Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier, because it doesn’t just do its wonderful job of bringing comfort to our breathing, but also delights my kids during bedtime. 

Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier

Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier

The Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier features a Sweet Dreams projector where it projects 9 images from each of its 3 themes: Starry Night, Sea, and Safari. I did not expect that my kids almost forgot about the discomfort they’ve been feeling when I saw their puffy eyes suddenly light up as they gazed through the projections. And before too long, my precious babies calmly fell asleep. That’s a wonderful upgrade to a kid-friendly humidifier. It really helped me in my kids’ sleep and illness management. 

Function-wise, the humidifier doesn’t disappoint. It can be used in itself with a capacity of 1.0 gallon water, and can also be inserted with up to two Vicks VapoPads for a more soothing feel. We instantly felt more relaxed in the room, as we were able to breathe more comfortably. The irritation on my throat subsided fairly quickly as soon as we turned it on. It runs really quietly, has variable humidity control, auto-shuts off when empty, lasts up to 24 hours, and is very easy to clean. 

And my most reliable monitoring gear for my kids’ temperature is the Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer. I like that it’s very quick and gentle to use, and gives very accurate reading. Its tip is soft so it won’t hurt the ears, and is pre-warmed to avoid the cooling effect and ensure measurement accuracy. It’s great for my kids who just couldn’t stay put especially when they’re not feeling well. It just takes a second or two to gently put it in their ears, and the quick and accurate temperature reading I get saved me a lot of time and helped me administer their treatment more effectively. No wonder, Braun Thermoscan is highly recommended by doctors and pediatricians. 

Braun ear thermometer

Braun thermoscan

Braun thermoscan ear thermometer

Like I’ve said, I won’t settle for second best when it comes to preventing and treating my kids’ illnesses. The same goes for when I monitor their progress and manage their condition up to recovery. Vicks and Braun are two of the best names moms and doctors trust, and they gave me peace of mind and confidence (and more sleep!) while taking care of my little ones ‘round the clock.

Giveaway – Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier and the Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer

a Rafflecopter giveaway

216 thoughts on “Vicks SweetDreams Cool Mist Humidifier and Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer {Giveaway}”

  1. My grand daughter’s stay with us quite often so I want to ensure that we have their room at the right humidity level, especially when they are sick, and that we have an accurate thermometer! 🙂

  2. I would like to win because these items would really help with all the colds and illness we’ve been dealing with lately at my house!

  3. I would like to win this for my grandchildren. It would be great for their parents to have these wonderful items. The quick accuracy of the Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer would really be of benefit especially during cold and flu season.

  4. I would like to win because sometimes the grandchildren come for sleepovers and they have a cold and I don’t have a humidifier or thermometer.

  5. My boys are in the midst of having a flu turn into a cold and are coughing and sneezing like crazy. It’s been a horrible two weeks. I could really use these two things for them.

  6. Would love to win because it gets extremely dry in our household during the winter months and we tend to get bronchitis and I think it would help prevent that.

  7. I would love to win as my daughter has severe nasal issues and I believe the Vicks humidifier would help and keep her calm while running . I could also easily take her temp with the braun thermometer

  8. I would love to win this because the air in our house is so dry. Our 4 year old is always stuffed up and we have another one on the way. This would be really helpful to our family. Thank-you so much for the opportunity!! 🙂

  9. I would like to win because my whole house is sick with a cold that never ends and my children’s
    Cool Mist Humidifier just died and my household could use a new Thermometer.

  10. We run a humidifier almost constantly in my toddler daughter’s room. She has dry, sensitive skin and allergies. We’ve seen a big difference in symptoms since we started with the humidifier, but it distributes warm steam. I’d love a cool mist humidifier for her for the warmer months ahead.

  11. We love our Braun Ear Thermometer, but it’s very, VERY old and I don’t expect it’ll last much longer. It would be great to win a new one!

  12. Whenever I need the kids therometer, I can’t find it. I’d love to have an extra. As for the humidifier, I find the air so dry in the winter and would love to have an extra one for the living room. Thanks for hosting.

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  13. I would love to win as this would make a great gift for my niece who just had a baby and with other smaller kids who get sick this would be great for her

  14. I would love to win because we need more humidity and also I would love that thermometer. I find it hard turning the manual ones on.

  15. I would like to win this for my 3 granddaughters, they live in a very old home and this would be a huge help in their room when they are chesty or flu like. It seems when one gets sick the other 2 follow shortly after.

  16. These would be great to have as I babysit my granddaughter on a regular basis and both these items would come in handy for those days that she is sick and not feeling well!!

  17. I would love to win because I have wanted a cool mist humidifier for when my kids are sick and my thermometer is old and takes a while.

  18. i would love to win the cool mist humidifier for my granddaughter ,i would use it at night when she’s not feeling well and the ear thermometer would be great for all my kids

  19. My daughter and I are both prone to chest and lung infections. I would make great use out of the Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier with the Vicks VapoPads. The Braun Thermoscan ear thermometer would be much appreciated to take accurate temperatures quickly and comfortably. I trust both Vicks and Braun brands!

  20. I have a baby on the way and still haven’t gotten a humidifier or thermometer. I have them on my baby registry though. I think they are essential for having a newborn!

  21. I would like to win because I like to run a humidifier when my kids are sick and I could use a new thermometer to take their temps too.

  22. I would really love the humidifier. Ours broke (it wasn’t a cool one like vicks) and when the kids are sick they always ask for the vicks rub so I think this would be perfect and the thermometer looks so much easier to use than the one we have! Thanks for the chance.

  23. I would love to win this because the in the winter, the humidity here is non-existent. We really need moisture in the air – we all wake up with headaches, and sometimes bloody noses. And of course, the thermometer is great to monitor the little ones when they are sick.

  24. I would love to win so that I may pay it forward to a friend of mine who just recently gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy! I would love to be able to help her out in any way I can.

  25. I would love to win because I have a very close friend with a 3 month old daughter. She’s already had a pretty bad cold and more are sure to come. My friend doesn’t have much and money is very tight, this would be such a wonderful and helpful gift for her.

  26. I would so love to win this as both my children as well as myself have asthma. But my son also has other issues with breathing and this would help out

  27. I currently have an almost 5 year old daughter and am also due again in June, so these would definitely come in handy…especially since my current humidifier just kicked the bucket during my daughter’s last cold lol.

  28. I really need both of these because the dry air in the new apartment is causing nosebleeds 🙁 and a digital thermometer would really come in handy!

  29. I would love to win this to give to my daughter. She just had a little girl last month and I know she would like to have these for her.

  30. I would love to win these items. Our thermometer does not always give me an accurate reading, I hate it! The humidifier would be great in my oldest son’s bedroom.

  31. This sounds like such a multi-function humidifier. my family would get a lot of use out of it since it tends to me very dry in our home, and my little one gets sick quite easily.

  32. I would love to win this for my best friend and her little boy (my godson); he has been suffering through a series of colds since starting daycare and I want these items to make his life easier.

  33. I’d love to win this because I have been a life-long lover of Vicks! And also because we have children who could really use this to help them sleep and breathe at night 😉

  34. We got a new furnace a couple seasons ago & our air has never been dryer. It’s very hard to sleep when we get sick because of how dry our throats/noses get.

  35. With a 6 year old, 3 year old, and now a 7 week old, I’m down a humidifier now and couldn’t hurt to have a new, reliable thermometer!

  36. I hate typical thermometers! My child has special needs & refuses to keep one under his tongue so I never have an accurate reading. The Braun Thermoscan would solve a lot of problems!

  37. Oh I would love to win! Our little one has been getting really bad nose bleeds when the humidity is low. We have to keep one running all the time. Ours is a warm mist and gets pretty hot, I would love a cool mist one! Love the projector!!!

  38. I would love win because it would be nice to have another cool mist humidifier in our apartment for both bedrooms. And I have a second baby on the way, so an easier way to take temperatures would be awesome. Thanks!

  39. My best friend’s 3 month old just got out of the hospital after being in for 6 day with a bronchiolitis. He had to be on an IV and have breathing treatments, and it was rough for him and his parents. I’d love to gift them with this thermometer and humidifier because their baby has been sick a lot in the first 3 months (more than their last one was) and I think these would be so helpful to them!

  40. I would love to win because we need a humidifier for my son’s room because our house gets so dry and he has been having symptoms lately of dry, sore throat.

  41. These sound awesome. The humidifier would surely help with constant sinusitis and everyone should have one of these thermometers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  42. I would love these because my daughter is in Pre-K and is always getting sick and the thing is that she hates our thermometer. This one sounds amazing and the humidifier would not only help keep moisture in the room which is a year round issue in our home but the lights would also help with her fear of the dark. 🙂 thanks a ton!

  43. I would like to win this because I only have a glass thermometer and it’s very expensive for me to buy a good one like this

  44. I would like to win this because I only have a glass thermometer and it’s very expensive for me to buy a good one like this!!!!!!

  45. With 4 kids and the horrible weather in Ohio I could REALLY use the humidifier! My 7 and 8 year olds have been waking up with bloody noses a lot recently. Dr said it’s the dry air but we can’t turn the heat off, it’s only 30° out

  46. I”d like to win because I know a humidifier can help my little ones feel better when they’re sick and we desperately need a new, accurate thermometer!

  47. I would love to win this for our little guy. Calgary air is sooooooo dry to breath and very hard on his skin. He also picks up so many colds at daycare. Thank you so much this great giveaway.

  48. I have a son in kindergarden constantly coming home sick. I also have a 1yr old daughter who catches everything from her brother, This would help both of them

  49. Our daughter has been getting many fevers since attending daycare. We also have a new little one on the way and it would be easier than the armpit thermometer we have been using 🙂

  50. I am expecting my first child in June and these are things that I don’t yet have. It would be great to win these for my soon to be baby.

  51. I would like to have this in my home for when I babysit my grandchildren. I had a humidifier but lent it to a friend and it has never found it’s way back to me.

  52. i would love to win these awesome products , I don’t have a working vaporizer and the Vicks sweet dreams one looks cool and how many times have I wanted to take my babys temp and no ear thermometer

  53. I would love to win, because I have a 2 year old son that has febrile seizures. We watch him like a hawk when we think he is getting sick and monitor his temperature as best we can. Every thermometer we get seems to let us down though. We need to know his temperature exactly, so we can start taking measures to bring it down before he has a febrile seizure. We have had no luck with previous ear thermometer and end up doing a rectal check, which of course my son hates, but it gives a more accurate reading. I have heard great things about the Braun thermometer, though. This would be a game changer for us.

  54. Great contest ! , i would love to win this because it helps out a lot when a family member is sick certainly when its the little ones. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. Id like to win because I have a little man in JK, and we all know kindergarten is really just a room full of little carrier monkeys for colds and such 😛

  56. I’d love to win because i think the humidifier would help us sleep better at night. I always wake up very thirsty and dry in the mornings and i think this could help.

  57. I would love to win this because the older thermometers are never pleasant to use and this one would be wonderful. I would love the humidifier because mine doesn’t work anymore

  58. We have been experiencing so many colds and flus this season – a humidifier is at the top of my wish list right now!


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