Tips for Encouraging Kids to Read

Encouraging reading in our children starts at a young age. As parents we are the best role models for our children. Reading can begin when our children are babies. Reading to a baby can be fun and funny but to some adults it seems weird to think about. As parents starting to read to our children as a young baby is demonstrating how to hold a book, turn pages and that reading is fun. Letting a baby play with a book is fine too because eventually they will role play what you have shown them.

We’ve been back to school for quite a few weeks now and some children are reluctantly getting on with their homework or daily reading. When they are done school they think it’s over and the work should be too. Which is fair enough, but it’s good to see what they are doing at school and encouraging the learning to continue at home. One thing I am wanting to nurture is a love of reading. Encouraging children to read can be challenging at times. It’s good to pick a book out together and something at their level and interested in. Also a great way to get them wanting to read something is for them to have their very own bookmark, either homemade or one they pick out at a store.


I love to read and couldn’t imagine a world without books. My husband isn’t as keen a reader and I would like my daughter to like reading, which now she loves to listen to stories because she is four, and it is great. We find the local library is great for this. They have all sorts of clubs and groups in the summer, that shows them reading is enjoyable as a group too. Research also agrees that in most cases, forcing a child to read will yield no positive results. Some families find that having a reading time when the whole family reads works. Even if the child is reluctant, he knows that the time is reserved for reading. Let him choose to read light material, if nothing else. A book allowance is a good idea. In addition to whatever other allowance a child may receive, provide an allowance only for books. Even if the allowance allows for the purchase of one paperback book or magazine a week, you’ve helped encourage reading. As Parents you will probably want to exercise some judgment on reading purchases, but magazines your child shows some interest in and which you approve are a good way to provide material and encourage reading. Subscriptions to a magazine or magazines for your child or student are a good idea. There’s a certain amount of excitement in “ownership” and a for many students it’s very exciting to receive mail also, I know my daughter loves when her Grandma sends her cards in the mail.

Model reading, children who see their parents reading, often become readers and come to accept that reading is a regular and enjoyable activity. Reading to children is one of the best ways to encourage interest in reading. Establish a place in the child’s room for his or her books. A feeling of ownership,is important. Schedule regular family visits to the library, even if your child doesn’t seem interested in taking out books. Feel free to recommend books to your child because you are their best role model and they trust you. Tell the child how difficult the books are or are not and let the child decide if he or she wants to read them. If your child starts a book and doesn’t want to finish it that is ok, It happens to all of us.

Buy books for yourself and let your children know you do. If your child decides to read something to YOU try to be patient and let him or her read to you. Praise your child for his or her reading when appropriate. For example, praise the child when a long or difficult book is completed.

Reading is to be enjoyable, it is hard as parents when we are so busy to read ourselves but finding time to read with our child is the best first step. Good luck and enjoy your books!

2 thoughts on “Tips for Encouraging Kids to Read”

  1. I love to read and although my sons don’t know how yet they both just love to sit and look at the pictures, my 6 year old will make up stories as he turns the pages. Bedtime stories are a lifesaver when it comes to night time because my kids look forward to it.


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