Tangerine Lilly Naturals Vitamin C Serum And Lip Balm Review And Giveaway

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I was introduced to Tangerine Lilly Naturals beauty line a couple of weeks ago. I was looking for the next best thing for my face, when I was offered a sample of Tangerine Natural Vitamin C to review. I was a bit skeptical at first, but who wouldn’t blame me?. From time to time, I would indulge in expensive products, and only end up with the same predicament, pimples on my forehead (I was once told it was heat rash), dry skin and chaffed lips. To make matters worse, most of these products are ridiculously expensive and downright useless. 

tangerine lilly naturals

I honestly did not believe that there were any more products that still had my best interest at heart. I was lucky to get both the vitamin C serum and the lip balm sample to review. I must say, I am hooked. I have found my absolute and essential products. I no longer bother about wearing foundation, I just use my serum and apply the powder on top and I am ready for the day!. This product has helped reconstruct, renew and rejuvenate my skin. Tangerine Lilly Natural vitamin C serum has STAY C 50, otherwise known as sodium ascorbic phosphate, one of the most stable and effective forms of vitamin C available. It converts naturally to L-ascorbic acid upon application to the skin making it a mild and natural anti-acne ingredient. I’ve been searching for other anti-acne options and the serum looks like it might be a winner.  My skin since has been radiant for days! 

Thank you to Lilly Natural products I love what I see in the mirror.  My skin has never been better. Upon starting to use the Tangerine Lilly Natural Vitamin C serum those pesky breakouts on my forehead ceased. Tangerine Lilly Naturals Vitamin C Serum helped in eradicating the damage caused by the harsh environment on my skin. It is a proven fact that overexposure to ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants accelerate skin aging by degrading collagen and triggering oxidative stress in the skin. 

I must say I really love the fact that Tangerine Lilly Natural products offer versatility as well as visible results. The number one compliment is the affordability of the products and its effectiveness. In the short time I have been using the serum, I must say I can truly feel the difference and really smell fresh. The freshness is due to the fact that all ingredients used in both the serum and the lip balm are a perfect combination of nature’s best oils. The lip balm smells exactly like fresh tangerines although the scent does dissipate after a couple of minutes. It has been three glorious weeks and my skin feels much firmer and people are already notice the difference. 

Tangerine Lilly Vitamin C Serum is packaged in a 30ml amber glass bottle for longer life.  For optimal results, gently massage vitamin C serum on your hands and apply it on your face. Wait for it be fully absorbed before you apply other skin products. It is odor free, with the exception of the scent of the natural ingredients. Always wait for it to be fully absorbed before you can apply other skin products. 

I would really recommend the products to anyone who wants to increases and improves the quality of their skin. Not only is the Vitamin C serum a natural moisturizer, but using it daily on your skin will do wonders in keeping one’s youthful appearance for life.

Win Tangerine Lilly Naturals Vitamin C Serum and Organic Lip Balm!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure: I received a sample of the product to facilitate this post. No other compensation was provided and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.

26 thoughts on “Tangerine Lilly Naturals Vitamin C Serum And Lip Balm Review And Giveaway”

  1. i love trying new things – i have never heard of Tangerine Lilly before – your review was really glowing (like your skin!), and i would like to see if it would work for me!

  2. This stuff looks amazing and I’d like to win because I’m not certain I’d pay that big a price tag without trying it for some time first.

  3. i would love to try this out , sounds amazing , my face is very sensitive , it could use some TLC , Thanks for the chance 🙂


  5. I would love to win the Tangerine Lilly Natural Vitamin C serum to get the most benefits of viatamin C by using this externally.Thank you for the chance to win these high quality products 🙂

  6. Tangerine Lilly sounds like a great line of products, would love to give them a try and the serum sounds like something I’d really like 🙂


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