SoRad Girls Boy Short Undies Review And Giveaway {2014 Holiday Gift Guide}

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When we as parents start off in the journey of raising kids, we battle through the initial diaper phase and then there’s the (some might say dreaded) potty training. As soon as we get them out of the diapering stage we sigh with relief just to discover that a whole new war lies ahead in the struggle to find comfortable, durable and likable underwear. Underwear seems like a topic that can be discussed for hours on end amongst moms and the struggle seems lost… But then the answer steps in and the world changes. At east for me it did, and for my little girl. What is described below is a magical discovery of underwear that actually fits amazingly well and allows my daughter to move freely without restrictions and pinching.

As a mom, I never thought that writing about underwear could ever get me this excited. My 6 year old daughter is extremely picky about what underwear she will and won’t wear and for the life of me I never thought that my little princess could get so uplifted by a pair of green knickers. We have been endlessly shopping for the perfect underwear that doesn’t make her “bottom eat her panties” and I am delighted so say that we have officially joined the war on wedgies. We have won and found a real keeper.

sorad undie

About a week ago we received a free sample of the SoRad Girls undies. We decided to give it a try and the results were over and above what I had expected. The short is made from 70% Bamboo and 30% certified organic cotton which make it eco-friendly and heat regulating. It fits like a dream and the triple stitch cover seam makes it super durable. The short didn’t ride up like all the other brands that we had tried and the fact that it is hypo-allergenic and has anti-bacterial properties just makes me that much more satisfied as a momma. I was also super impressed by the fact that SoRad manufacture and distribute locally in Canada, all their materials are sourced locally, and for a company that used to do greeting cards I have to hand it to them – they make amazing little big kid apparel. All their products are also pre-washed to allow for minimum shrinkage and are built to last and grow with your kid.

The design is stylish and creative yet simple and affordable and this contributes to their slogan – their products really do help make mommy madness more manageable. I loved the sample and judging by my daughter’s reaction and new found love for her green undies I guess we’ll be ordering more of those real soon. As a matter of fact I might just consider some of the other items from their range for Christmas gifting such as the undershirts that match the undies and also double as tank tops, or the Magic Romper Roos which are available in packs of two’s and make for great baby day wear with the uber cool kumono styles that are beyond adorable. SoRad might have just changed my life forever!

Win A 3-Pack Undies from So Rad!

All entries must be sub­mit­ted using the Raf­fle­copter form below. After you com­plete the manda­tory entry, you can do as many extra entries as you’d like to increase your chances of win­ning. This giveaway is open to US and CANADA!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure: I received a sample of the product to facilitate this post. No other compensation was provided and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.

13 thoughts on “SoRad Girls Boy Short Undies Review And Giveaway {2014 Holiday Gift Guide}”

  1. My daughter only wants to wear dresses and is always pulling them up. I think this underwear would be comfortable and give her coverage.

  2. I want to win because these look like they are made from healthy materials and my family is switching to all natural and organic!

  3. I’d like to win these because, like you, I have a 6 year daughter who is picky about anything that touches her…from underwear to runners to t-shirts to hats…


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