Slanky Invisible Body Warming Women’s Underwear {Review}

It’s below zero degrees in Toronto right now and tonight it will be -20ºC, and it’s just a great excuse to cover up myself entirely to conceal all that holiday weight gain I may have had (while getting rid of it in a healthy way of course)! But then as a super busy mom, the weight of all the layers of my winter clothing is just making it hard for me to move fast the way I would on a warm season. I often brave the cold without my coat and extra sweater while doing heavy errands like crazy just to get my body to produce natural heat and sweat, but sometimes I still end up shivering and working a bit less efficiently. And aesthetically, sometimes I look heavier with my thick clothes on.

Not that I’m too conscious of the way I look, it’s just that sometimes it’s either I don’t feel and look comfortable, can’t move comfortably, or both. And a little bit of confession: I am not the most confident mom when wearing supposedly flattering outfits in warmer seasons, so I’d really appreciate it if winter could give that confidence to me. Apparently I don’t need to show some skin this winter, but I still want to feel attractive with my silhouette, especially this coming Valentine’s Day! And here’s my heaven-sent secret weapon to achieve it: SLANKY!

slanky invisible body warming underwear

Slanky is a “second skin snugwear”, meaning it’s meant to be worn like an invisible underwear that instantly shapes the body in a flattering way that it follows the body’s natural curves. It not only shapes the waist, hips, and bust, but also the arms because it’s long-sleeved! It is made of high quality nylon/spandex material that is very slim, and comfortably snug yet stretchy. It’s also very stretchable that the lace neckline can be worn either over or below the bra line.

I love the fit of my Slanky, because it gave my body the illusion of a firmer and more flawless shape from my bust to the waist, and although it’s really very snug there are no ugly skin bulges at all. I also like the addition of my somewhat more toned arms which is such a welcome bonus! I’m able to comfortably move while wearing it, yet it stays smooth and in place, and doesn’t roll or slide up. It also added warmth which I appreciate a lot, and while it wouldn’t stop me from reaching for an extra layer of sweater on super cold days, it just makes me want to confidently wear body-hugging winter dresses and coats!


The next thing I’ll just have to worry about is to look for flattering outfits in my closet. I’ll be wearing them over my Slanky on possible night outs, brunches, fine dinners, and on my Valentine’s Day date night! And oh, I also want to wear the Slanky in spring and fall so I next time I go shopping I will no longer ignore those tempting bodycon dresses. And I’m happy to share with you all fellow moms this super fabulous secret! Get yourself your own much deserved Slanky, and you’ll thank me later.

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