Positively Delectable Snacking with G.H. Cretors Popped Corn


I am a serious snacker.  Some people eat three big meals a day and they are good to go.  Me?  I prefer my meals small so I can get in plenty of snacking throughout the day. 

However, one of the problems with snacking is that snack foods are often incredibly unhealthy.  This is something I have always been mindful of, but I became even more cautious about once I had my children.  As anyone with little ones running about knows, you cannot just snack on your own—you have to share with the tiny humans or face their wrath. 

The result?  I am constantly on the lookout for snacks which are all natural, low on the bad stuff (we all know the usual suspects), and big on flavor.  With my kids, I also like to be mindful of choosing items which introduce them to different flavors and textures to avoid them developing picky palates.  Beyond that, we go for it all—sweet, savory, and salty are all good in our house.


When the G.H. Cretors Popped Corn Sample Pack arrived, we were all pretty excited.  Popcorn is a universally enjoyed snack item in my family and we love it in pretty much any flavor.  The sample pack included five bags in three different flavors: two of the Chicago Mix, two of the Just the Caramel Corn, and one of the Just the Cheese Corn.  Chicago Mix is a combination of the caramel and cheese flavors.


At the moment, the sweet tooth had bitten us all, so we decided to give Just the Caramel Corn a taste.  We were not disappointed.  The kernels are incredibly fluffy in texture while still remaining crunchy; the flavor is perfectly sweet and creamy.  The result?  One super satisfying snack. 

Of course, we couldn’t taste just one—we needed to sample the full variety.   Next up was Just the Cheese.  It offered everything you could want from a cheddar popcorn—great crunch, perfect texture, and a zesty bite to the cheese.  It was pretty much heaven.

Then it was time for the Chicago Mix.  If you are hesitant to go for this due to the two flavors being seemingly at odds, don’t be.  The flavors play off each other perfectly, making an excellent sweet, savory, salty snack.  Whatever your snack crazing, this mix will satisfy. 

G.H. Cretors Popped Corn is all natural and made using time honored processes.  They make their batches one at a time in special kettles, slowly adding ingredients and ensuring the perfection of their product.  Natural ingredients are used to flavor and color—no artificial dyes of flavor boosters allowed.  They even utilize locally grown, non GMO corn.  It all results in the best tasting popcorn I have ever had the chance to enjoy and I can enjoy it guilt free.

And I already found a place which carried these popcorns, Costco!  To get your own pack delivered right to your door, visit the G.H. Cretors website.  It will be money well spent. 

2 thoughts on “Positively Delectable Snacking with G.H. Cretors Popped Corn”

  1. I have seen this in Bulk Barn and was wondering how it tasted. I am definitely going to pick some up after your review!


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