Owl Baby Shoes

While previous generations of babies often wore hard shoes, these days the trend in infant and toddler footwear is definitely for soft-soled shoes. This isn’t a fashion change as much as a scientific one. Medical practitioners remind parents that a baby’s developing feet, especially in those first important years, need both protection and room to freely move. Many infant shoe companies now tout shoes that mimic bare feet while still providing a modicum of protection for an infant learning to walk.

Cloth and soft leather are two of the most common types of baby shoes you’ll find today. Brand names of such shoes tend to have excellent quality, but their price tags may put off parents, especially since babies outgrow shoes so quickly. Some department and discount stores often sell similarly made shoes at cheaper prices. It depends on your budget, but you might want to save up for the higher quality shoes a little on down the road, once baby is beginning to pull to a standing position and actually starting to cruise.

Colorful, fun looks for infant shoes are also in, like the owl baby shoes at MomoBaby.com, whose soft brown leather uppers are given whimsical owl faces that baby is bound to enjoy. Pedoodles, another soft infant shoe brand, come in cute, flowered styles for girls and sport-styled shoes for boys.

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