Mini Banana Muffins #BackToSchool #Recipe

I’m always looking for snack options to keep Peanut & Pofaroo fueled for the day at school.  Being at an Eco-School, I try to eliminate as much waste as possible throughout the school year and making your own snacks is one way to do that.

mini banana muffin

One of their favourite snacks is mini-muffins of all kinds with a variation of banana being at the top of the list.  Our go to recipe is actual a Banana Loaf recipe that works just as well in muffin form.

Banana Loaf (1 loaf or 24 mini-muffins)
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Cook Time
1 hr
Cook Time
1 hr
  1. 2 cups flour (I generally use ¾ cup of whole wheat flour, ¼ cup ground flax, 1 cup unbleached flour)
  2. ½ tsp baking soda
  3. ½ tsp salt
  4. 1 tsp baking powder
  5. ½ cup optional ingredients (chocolate chips, blueberries, cranberries etc)
  6. ½ cup margarine (or butter if you prefer)
  7. ½ cup sugar
  8. ½ cup brown sugar
  9. 1 egg
  10. 3 mashed bananas
  11. 3 tbsp milk
  1. Cream margarine and sugars together.
  2. Add egg and mix well.
  3. Add mashed bananas and stir until distributed throughout mixture.
  4. Mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
  5. Add dry ingredients ½ cup at a time to the banana mixture and mix well.
  6. Add milk when needed to moisten mixture.
  7. Bake in preheated 350F oven for 1 hour for the loaf or until a toothpick comes out clean.  For muffins, cook time is reduced to 20-30 minutes.
  1. The mixture should be somewhat thick.  If desired you can add more milk to thin the mixture however this might increase cooking time.
Natural Mama

These are a fantastic make ahead and freeze snack.  I freeze them individually on a cookie sheet and store in a container or Ziploc bag.  When making lunches in the morning, I put a couple frozen ones in a container and they are thawed perfectly by morning snack. 

What are your favourite Back To School snacks?

By Nancy T.

6 thoughts on “Mini Banana Muffins #BackToSchool #Recipe”

  1. These wee muffins would be great for my grandkids or even for myself and hubby when we are craving something sweet!

    Thanks for the recipe!


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