Managing Childhood Illnesses at Home

As a parent, you know that your child can go from a ball of energy to lethargic and feverish in a matter of hours. When you can’t get your son or daughter into the pediatrician right away, follow these tips for home care. 

1. Ear Aches

Ear infections are common in young children because the tubes in their ears are very tiny. This means it doesn’t take very much fluid to build up in there and cause pain. It can even lead to an ear infection. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to relieve their ache before you seek medical care North Tonawanda NY. You can manage discomfort with over-the-counter pain medication as well as cold or warm compresses. Olive oil and other naturopathic drops may relieve some discomfort, too. When your child lays down to rest, encourage them to avoid sleeping on the bothersome ear. 

2. Sore Throats

It can be challenging to distinguish between a sore throat caused by allergies or a virus versus a bacterial infection like strep. When your child complains of a sore throat, initial treatment can include pain-relieving medication. Additionally, drinking warm liquids such as soup broth or tea with lemon can temporarily soothe an irritated throat. If you run the heater in your home, the air dries out quickly, as do your child’s mucus membranes. Since this can contribute to a sore throat, keep the air moist by running a humidifier in their room. 

3. Upset Stomach

Children may experience vomiting and diarrhea for several different reasons. The number one concern in this situation is keeping your child hydrated. This is challenging when they can’t keep things down. However, offer them small sips of electrolyte fluid or ice chips consistently to prevent dehydration. Once they keep small amounts of liquid down, offer more significant amounts of clear fluids like soup broth or peppermint tea. 

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