Lazy Lizards Eco Friendly Kids Yoga Mat And DVD Review


Have you tried Yoga for kids? Yes! Kids can go to Yoga classes too. And I have the best site that would excite your kids to this fun and enjoyable activities. See for yourself and check this out at Lazy Lizards Yoga. This site is really magnificent, informative and child friendly that even your kids can access it and can browse the page easily! There are a lot of tabs to answer all your questions in mind and you can take a peek on the products that they offer in relation to Yoga. The most amazing product I discovered was the kids yoga mat and the yoga for kids DVD which I am pretty sure that your kids will love it too!


My 2 year old daughter and I got this Pumpkin kids yoga mat and the yoga for kids DVD for a review. It really did wonders to my child since she is a bit shy and non athletic. There are different colors to choose aside from Pumpkin, available colors like grape, sky blue and passion pink. It is easy to use; because on the mat itself, 12 different animals were drawn and embed to it which your child can easily imitate on their Yoga poses. The material that was used is safe because it is also Eco-friendly. It is made of PER (Polymer Environmental Resin), which is environment safe, free of phthalate and from lead and it is comfortable to use, it is not slippery due to added texture. It is also washable. The Yoga Mat and the DVD can be utilized at home for fun activities and for family bonding (Mom and Dad can join too!). The DVD will serve as a guide. Yoga for kids is not only for fun, some of the benefits would be enhancing concentration and focus, stimulates imagination (because kids will pretend to be the animals), it heightens up energy, and it will make them physically fit and strong. My daughter really loves her Pumpkin Yoga Mat that she enjoys using it everyday with her friends from the neighborhood. And I don’t have to worry about her asking for going out of the house!


As mothers, we know that nurturing our kids does not only depends on the food they eat, but also, we have to make sure that they are physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually fit as they grow up. Yoga is one of the best exercises that our children can adapt to in their early stage. I would really like you to see and check out this site Lazy Lizards Yoga to know more of the advantage of Yoga for kids. I would surely recommend this to all of my friends and take the opportunity of what life can offer!

2 thoughts on “Lazy Lizards Eco Friendly Kids Yoga Mat And DVD Review”

  1. I do yoga myself and I must agree, yoga simply relaxes your mind and body and it energizes you. I prefer doing yoga in silent places so I use sound masking systems to drown the noise around me

  2. The Lazy Lizards Yoga Mat is adorable! My 4 year old grandson was just enrolled in a kids yoga class and I may have to pick up a Lazy Lizards Mat for him.

    I’m just starting Vinyasa yoga myself after finding Bikram (Hot) yoga was a bit too intense for a middle aged newbie like me.

    Great site!



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