Join RBC Twitter Chat Mar 24th @8pm EST and Win 1/5 $100 Gift Card #RBCFirstHome

One of the most important properties that an individual, a couple and the growing family will invest on is always a house. It is something that we all want to have to built our roots and call our own. But buying houses is not as easy as buying clothes or groceries. Yes, we make plans, write list of what we want, and we shop around whenever we buy groceries or clothes. These things we do when buying houses too. We make list of the specifications of the house, like number of bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and living room designs, size of the house itself, land area, the location of the house and most important of all is the cost. 


Our house is getting smaller as our family grows bigger, we are planning to move to a new and bigger house. We will go through the process of sorting our house specifications again. Like, when is the right time to buy a house; where is the perfect location of the house; how much mortgage we can afford to spend; and where we can get loan which give the lowest interest rate. I will definitely need an advice. 

Looking for the perfect house is really very exhausting. Most buyers seek experts to help them in making decision to buy the house they want. But experts’ services are expensive. Not all can afford it, which is why I believed the program of RBC First Home Twitter Chat is well-timed. On March 24th at 8:30pm ET, they set this conversation. Those who want to join can use #RBCFirstHome when sending their Twitter message and will have the opportunity to win one (1) of the five (5) $100.00 gift cards. 

The intention of the RBC First Home Twitter Chat is to help people interested in buying homes. This is a social conversation on Twitter where participants can seek advices on what to look for when buying a house. RBC has invited a Lawyer, Realtor, Design, Home Builders, Home Experts and Mortgage experts to participate as well. It’s a great chance to ask any home-buying questions!

So I am inviting all of you who are interested to join and post questions to keep the chat growing and interesting. This is our chance to exhaust all issues we have pertaining to buying houses. There is no harm in trying. Just try, you might get something out of it.

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