It’s Pink October – Time to Fight Breast Cancer #GlamuletPinkOctober

Breast cancer is a case whereby malignant tumor starts up in the cells of the breast. Both men and women can get affected by breast cancer. With every unveiling second, more and more women get diagnosed with breast cancer. Did you really know that in every 45 minutes a woman succumbs to breast cancer? Breast cancer is actually the second deadliest cause of death for women all over the world. It should be well noted that women of all ages, both young and old, can get affected by breast cancer. Sleepless nights, mountains of fear, anxiety over hospital bill payments are some of the common characteristics often with cancer patients.

breast cancer awareness month

Glamulet is launching an October Campaign this month with the aim of ensuring that by 2050 breast cancer becomes a forgotten case. Glamulet is a brand that provides women with trendy and elegant jewellery at very affordable prices. In a bid to raise funds for this amazing campaign, Glamulet is going to bring on board the brightest of minds, the greatest fundraisers and campaigners and your help is going to be needed immensely. Glamulet has created beautiful pink charms to support the campaign about breast cancer awareness. The pink charms come in different shapes, sizes and designs. The prices have been slashed and for every purchase made 50%  goes towards the breast cancer awareness campaign.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to support this campaign. By adding the set of pink charms to their bracelets, everyone gets to easily join the fight against breast cancer. Your support is definitely going to make all the difference. Breast awareness campaign has in the past helped a good number of people get on track with their lives after they had thought that cancer was a definite death sentence. It is indeed a horrible thought to think how short life can be cut by a sudden disease but the warm love and care from loved ones around will always keep the affected going.

The breast cancer awareness campaign aims at informing people that the disease is not a death trap even if there is no cure for it yet. This information is not just for those suffering from breast cancer but also for those seeking how to prevent it. As a result of the rapid lifestyle we have today, women are constantly advised to always keep going for screening to detect the disease in good time. What most people do not know is that when detected in its earlier stages, cancer can actually get easily treated unlike in its advanced stages. In this campaign people get enlightened on what exactly radiotherapy and chemotherapy are. For those with cancer patients, they get advised on how to handle and care for the patients.

With the pink October campaign by Glamulet, we can all choose to make something positive out of something negative. Remember a united people are way stronger and nothing can break such a bond. You can choose to be the initiator of change today and those present in 2050 will have you to thank. Proceeds from this campaign will also go into research to help get a permanent medical solution to this monstrous disease. It is an all women, one colour affair this October. Let us stand together to show love and give hope by buying the pink charms and bracelets from Glamulet.

*This is a sponsored post.

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