Home Parenting Chores: Keeping Up With The Kids Laundry

Let’s face it. Chores are boring. There’s never an end to them. They’re monotonous because nothing ever changes about them. That’s especially true about laundry. Many people have cried actual tears when they see a big pile of clothes waiting to be washed and ironed.

That mostly happens when you have a couple of other chores to finish, and the baby wakes up and starts crying. If you decide to homeschool your kids, chores are going to be one of the things which wreck your nerves. You might even begin to question all of your life choices. Click here to read more.

However, when you finish cleaning everything, and when you put it into its proper place, there’s a feeling of calmness that fills you up. One of the best things to do is to find something that will play in the distance or right in front of you. 

Placing an ironing board in front of the TV while a sitcom is streaming is one of the easiest ways to make this process more fun. Sure, laying on the couch with a couple of glasses of wine would be a much better scenario, but we always need to find a way to get everything done. 

Use tags and a divided laundry sorter

If there is one thing you actually implement from this guide, let it be this tip. It’s going to make your life a lot easier. You might have a few baskets in every room, and your kids might throw their clothes into each one of them. That’s not a good idea. 

First of all, that creates a ton of mess when the sorting time comes. You have to divide everything by color and material, and then when you look at the big piles, it can ruin your day instantly. Even a glance at the hill of cotton and polyester will give you a headache. 

Not to mention if you are already sleep-deprived and burned out from taking care of the kids. Instead, make things easier for yourself and buy a rolling rack. Print out a few pieces of paper and teach everyone how to divide their own clothes. 

Even if your kids aren’t old enough to read, they can match the colors on the papers. It might be troublesome the first few times, but once everyone gets the hang of it, your life will be much better. First of all, everything will be pre-sorted. Visit this link to read more https://www.romper.com/p/how-to-keep-up-with-the-laundry-according-to-moms-cleaning-experts-15909906.

Goodbye to massive laundry hills. As soon as one of the slots fills up, you can toss it into the washing machine. It takes less than two minutes to turn it on, and that’s how you divide the effort. Instead of spending an entire day on a single task, you do multiple smaller ones. 

When your kids do a good job, they’ll be super proud of themselves when you give them a compliment. Everyone feels good when they put something in the right slot. While you’re at it, you can also teach them how to make their beds. 

As soon as they turn five or six, they can do it on their own. First of all, the entire house will look better. Secondly, it’s a great habit to have. Everyone starts the day with a chore marked off their list. 

Iron before you wear something

Many people hate ironing. There’s a good reason for hating it. One, it takes a lot of time. And two, it doesn’t pay off in the long run. How many times have you ironed something and then put it in the closet and forget about it for a full year? Everyone has done it. 

If you move your ironing board in your bedroom, it’s going to make home parenting much easier. You can go to this website to read more. Whenever you need to get dressed, you can do it quickly. If the board is close to you, it becomes quite handy. Finish the washing and then worry about the ironing later. 

Whenever you need to go out, you stress because you need to get ready. Adding a five-minute task is nothing compared to spending a full day in a steaming hot room trying to get all of the parts on a pair of jeans. Put it in the closet wrinkled and worry about the ironing later. 

Limit the number of surprise stains

Kids take a lot of time to grow up. This process is quite long, and the way towards adulthood is paved with stains. It’s mostly the adults that care when a shirt or a pair of pants get stained. They don’t even notice it. 

One of the worst feelings is when you’ve washed and dried something, and as soon as you take it out from the dryer, you notice a massive stain that you didn’t see right at the beginning. Well, tough luck, you’re going to have to wash it again. 

If your little ones are starting to understand basic English, you can try telling them to put the clothes with the stains at a specific place. You’ll be surprised at how well the tactic works. As soon as they get about ten years old, they can put some stain remover on the spots that have been dirtied. 

It’s not hard for anyone to keep clean and dirty clothes away from each other. A lot of parents give their kids all the freedom, and they don’t know how to put their responsibilities in check. Start early, and you will be surprised at the results. 


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