Essential Items for a Growing Baby

There’s nothing as incredible as the joy a newborn baby brings to their new family. From the never-ending “firsts” they seem to achieve daily to the tremendous amount of love that radiates from their loved ones, having a baby around the house is a simply blissful (albeit tiresome) experience.

As new parents, you could spend hours gazing at your child, as you watch as your baby grows, learning more about the world they live in day by day. Parents of a growing baby will know just how quickly clothes are grown out of; they will also know that there will be a wardrobe full of clothes that will never be worn because of just how often the growth spurts come along.

It’s easy to get a little carried away in the baby section of clothes shops and supermarkets during and after the birth of a new baby. Whether there’s a sale on or not, many just can’t help themselves. Combine that with the endless gifts showered on your child during the days and weeks after birth, and you have an overwhelming selection of baby clothes that you just don’t need.

Take into account the essential items and you’ll be surprised at how affordable preparing for a newborn can be.


A handful of super soft sleepsuits are perfect staples for a baby’s wardrobe. Ones with sewn-in mitts avoid the need to buy separate ones, while many come as a part of a set, such as the excellent value Max and Mille Starter Packs at ASDA, that include a sleepsuit as well as babygros, a bib, a hat and mitts.

For the first couple of months of your baby’s life, it’s doubtful that you’ll need anything else other than sleepsuits and babygros. You can buy little outfits for them, but it’s not a necessity. Make sure you have a couple of cardigans or a jacket for when you’re out in the fresh air, though.


Bibs are one of those things that parents flock to buy, but if you’ve had a baby shower or are receiving gifts from relatives, bibs are almost always a part of the presents. Don’t overspend on bibs because the chances are, you won’t use them all, often opting instead for muslin squares.


This goes without saying. It’s amazing just how many nappies you get through within the first month or two. If you love the environment and don’t mind the extra washing, opt for reusable terry cloth nappies. Otherwise, disposable nappies are readily available from your local supermarket. If you do plump for disposables, a nappy wrapper can come in really handy to keep the smells at bay.

Muslin Squares

Like mentioned above, muslin squares are an absolute must-have. Don’t every worry about having too many – with the amount of milk and dribbles they’ll catch, you‘ll need them.

Hats, Mittens & Booties

Essential for winter babies, two-piece baby hat & mitten sets are available for £4 at ASDA, so they won’t break the bank.

Evaluate what you have already bought, what gifts have been given and what you really need, to avoid overspending on items that won’t ever be worn. Watch as your baby grows and you’ll realise you don’t need half as much as you might think.

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