Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent – Unscented with no harmful chemical content by BabyGanics

Laundry Detergent - Unscented by BabyGanics

If you care about your baby’s health and that of your own, regular detergents are definitely not the right choice for your everyday laundry use. Laundry products we buy off the shelf of supermarkets may contain large amount of harmful chemicals that could cause possible long-term health issues. They are definitely not appropriate for baby clothing and reusable diapers. With so much harmful contents than you can imagine in a 2-L bottle of detergent and yet many people would rather put up with it than spending a few dollars more on a much safer product. You might be thinking that washing your baby’s clothing with regular detergents is ok, but the fact is you are putting your baby health at risk.

If you do care about the well being of your baby and do not mind spending that extra change/coffee money then you might want to consider the BabyGanics’ superior concentrated formula. It has the power of traditional detergent and yet it contains no harsh chemicals and is non-toxic so it is perfectly safe for your baby’s delicate skin, while still providing equal if not superior cleaning quality you desire. BabyGanics rinses free of soap residue and hard water deposits, the main factors for skin irritation and diaper rash for babies and even adults. This product will help to reduce mildew growth and odors. This product will also require less water to rinse clean so it is also great for your energy bill and the environment.

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