DK Books March Review

DK Books have been around to entertain and educate children for years now. They are constantly creating new books that aid in the process of learning as well as entertaining. Since my children are still at the young ages of 4 and 8, I enjoy finding new books that they will enjoy. DK Books offers an amazing selection of fun, educational, and different books for my children.

As many young children do, my tiny humans especially love arts and crafts. DK has numerous books that fall into this category. One of our favorites is, “The Big Book of Crafts and Activities” which has over 150 activities to do. Each has simple instructions that make it easy for young children to accomplish. This book has the simplest things to do like games for road trips to more complex activities like creating a secret language. Both of my children especially enjoy this book because it can be taken anywhere and they’re bound to find something to do in it for anytime of the day.

The Art Book”, is definitely another favorite in our family. With 352 pages of all type of art, this book gives a plethora of art projects that have been done in the past. “The Art Book” gives a look at the history of art and where it came from to where it is today. While the history of art just like any history can be boring to some children, this takes a very simplified approach to educating young children about what art is and where it came from. I appreciate what this book has to offer my children because it provides them with interesting art to view while also learning about how it was made and why. If you know children than you know the “why” is always important to them!

Drawing is a big part of the arts and crafts world that my children love. DK created a simple, “How to Draw” book for children that gives step-by-step instructions to follow on drawing different things from animals to cartoon characters. A great feature about this book that my children utilize is the blank space that is included. It gives them a chance to try their own while still using the book as a guide. Aside from having great content, the book has inspired my children to use their imagination and to explore new things within their creativity.

Although my children are only 4 and 8, their imaginations are always going somewhere. With “101 Great Science Experiments”, they’re able to put their imaginations to great use. The book is designed for children a little bit older than mine but this gives them room to grow into the book. However, there are quite a few experiments within the book that they’ve done and enjoyed with the assistance of me (mom), or dad. Each experiment like the other books, provides simple yet effective instructions on completing it. This book in particular also provides, illustrated instructions to help guide children even more so, because for most tiny humans, pictures are easier than reading a bunch of words.

DK Books have been around for quite some time providing fun experiences for children while also assisting in the learning process. Having DK Books in our household is fun for my children as well as for us parents. They are a great resource to have for a rainy day or for school breaks when the days seem endless. Beyond that, they aren’t terribly expensive which makes it well worth the money spent. They offer books on any and everything that children or even young adults might be interested in.

DK Books are available to buy at most bookstores as well as online retailers like Amazon. Depending where you are in the world, they might be available to buy else where as well. Search until they’re found because they will give any household a better insight on learning and entertaining.

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