Almost every year, car manufacturers manage to release new models with better features, indirectly urging the owner that it is a must-have piece of property. What do we do with our old vehicles?  Most of us sell it at a price lower than that we bought it for. However, are we aware that the vehicle which we intend to dispose of can help a lot of less fortunate children?

Cars to Help Kids was formed to help those children who have not had the luxury of experiencing life’s privileges and encourages people like us to donate their old cars, whether it be in running condition or not, for a good cause. They even set up their own web site at to better facilitate these car donations. They can pick up the car wherever it is located and tow it, and the owner will not pay any expense for it!

We know how much a vehicle costs, regardless if it is old or new, and the proceeds emanating from its sale can help in the education and medical treatment of many children who are in dire need of the same.  It is quite an unfortunate sight that a lot of children nowadays are unable to experience the innocence and excitement which childhood brings.  This is the reason why Cars to Help Kids was formed as they give these less fortunate children the opportunity to experience that which kids of the same age are having right now.  Naturally, these less fortunate kids are unable to enjoy the same privileges because they simply have less in life.  Cars to Help Kids easily erases this feeling of deprivation on the part of the children by using the proceeds from the sale of these donated cars by providing them exactly what they want, a good education, proper medical facilities, and recreation.

This comes as a far cry from the usual solicitations of money for a good cause.  We may well be asking ourselves why should we donate car when we can still get some money from it when we sell it ourselves?  Well, aside from the fact that we will be helping a lot of underprivileged kids realize their dreams, it makes a good tax deduction, and we know for a fact that people are always looking for deductions from their taxes, and fortunately, the IRS permits this to be written off as a tax deduction.  It will certainly cause no inconvenience on the part of the donor, as Cars to Help Kids will do everything for us the moment we signify our intention of donating our car.  Simply put, we donate a car to help a child in need. If you have any question about how to donate your car, please check their website out!

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