Caring Tools For The Most Caring Moms from Giant Tiger #MothersDayGiftGuide

Mother’s Day is almost near once again and I gotta admit that it’s getting more and more challenging to think of creative ways to show my mom some love and appreciation on that special day. Sure, as a mom I would already be extremely happy with power hugs and kisses from my kids, and I’m sure their grandmas would love to get the same from them, but I really think my mom and mother-in-law deserve a treat.

I remember how much my mom appreciated every little thing I used to give her, like flowers, which I also get from my husband and kids now and really do love. But sometimes I think it’s too common for me if I were the one to give it to my mom. It would have been sweet if I were still as young as my kids, and my mom as young as I am now. But I’m now a mother myself and I should know what a mom could give a fellow mom.

Good thing, Mother’s Day falls under the spring season, and it’s a beautiful time for gardening! And speaking of flowers, wouldn’t it be nice to give mom or grandma something to make her enjoy spring in her garden?

These Bond Bloom gardening tools and Tradesmax garden gloves I got from Giant Tiger would be so perfect for my mom. I love their bright colours of purple, green and blue that I’m sure my kids would love to use in their grandma’s garden!

Giant Tiger Gardening Tools

I can already see my family having a great time bonding in the garden. The telescopic culti-hoe, telescopic trowel, and telescopic shrub rake by Bond Bloom are my three favourites. My mom wouldn’t be comfortable squatting all day so she would appreciate these long tools that she can hold comfortably while standing because of their soft and lightweight grips. And they’re heavy duty too so it won’t be difficult to deal with hard soil.

But being a hands-on mom that she was to me, I’m sure she would give close and utmost attention to her plants so the Bond Bloom trowel and Tradesmax garden gloves would be her most favourite. The trowel has a lot of uses so she’ll be using it all the time, and when she wants to get her hands on the soil, the nitrile-coated gloves would protect her hard-working hands.

And after all the hard work in the garden, it still doesn’t end there. Plants need constant care as they grow and bloom so the Bond Bloom watering nozzle would be so much fun to use and the plants would love the splashes and sprinkles for sure!

So why gardening tools? It’s not just the tools, but the wonderful time she would spend in caring for life organisms in the form of plants, just like how she used to nurture her children including me and my own kids. And of course, we would love to spend time with her in her garden too.

Gardening is a very educational and productive bonding activity with kids and adults alike, and it’s a therapeutic hobby. From tilling the soil, to planting the seeds, and then watching the plants grow and flowers bloom, it’s a long-term and meaningful process. Oh, just the thought of it makes me want to take my kids to their grandma already! Happy Mother’s Day indeed!

1 thought on “Caring Tools For The Most Caring Moms from Giant Tiger #MothersDayGiftGuide”

  1. I’ve always loved GT…my kids got clothed from them LOL, I still buy pj bottoms for work from them (yes, I work in pj bottoms at work) When my daughter was moving out I bought tons of household stuff for her and I love that they have groupons for the food items!! I can’t wait to go there sometimes in May and shop for my niece and nephew.


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