Building 21st Century Skills through E-Blox Building Blocks

It seems that those days I will be focusing on the technology good sides for children.

Indeed, after the BBC micro bit, I would like to introduce to you another fascinating educational toy.

I am talking about Power Blox Standard Set manufactured by E-Blox company.

Actually, it seems that E-Blox has decided to equip children from an early age with the most needed 21st century skills, which are critical thinking, creativity, and technology literacy.

Through a variety of educational and electronic toys (Power Blox Standard set is one of them), E-blox is aiming to reach this objective.

Thus, it’s not surprising to see that E-Blox won in 2019 the Creative Play Of The Year Award offered by Creative Child Magazine for its toys Power Blox Standard Set and Circuit Blox.

Well, the principal of this toy is very close to the traditional building blocks that you have certainly played with when you were kid, however, this principle was re-innovated by E-Blox to use electrical circuit to lighten your buildings.

Power Blox Standard Set

The standard set has a battery, electrical circuit blocks without any wires, LED modules in different colors and the building blocks. A total of 45 pieces provided with a box container that you can build on and use afterword to store all the pieces.

Moreover, choosing Power Blox does not mean that you need to get rid of all the similar toys you have been purchasing for your child, on the contrary you can still keep them, as this toy is compatible with any other toy brick set that you have which give your kids endless possibilities and limitless creativity booster.

Power Blox Standard Set

My son has already tried it with LEGO bricks and it worked very well, he has even made his first lightened helicopter.

Elementary schools can also use it for projects that aim to introduce sciences and to enhance the students’ imagination while having fun, especially that this toy can be used starting from 8 years old.

It’s worth mentioning also that the technology used by E-blox is patented thus you cannot find it in any other toy.

Today, you have more choices if you would like to make a birthday present to your child or to a friend’s child as in addition to the standard set you have also more toys like:

The prices vary from $21 up to $175.99.

These Brick sets can not only be lightened but they can also be integrated with motors, speakers, amplifiers, Bluetooth connectivity, or sound effects which can even bring your kid’s out-of-the-box artworks to life and make him enjoy them even more.

If you have more than one child, I recommend that you offer only one set to all of them to foster communication, collaboration, and sharing which are also some of the 21st century skills.

Let’s prepare our children for tomorrow’s life and this starts at home!

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