The Benefits of a Sunrise Clock

A sunrise clock is a must have gadget for anyone who finds it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning. This guide will look at the benefits of a sunrise clock and how it can make early morning starts that bit easier. Read this guide to find out whether or not you should consider buying one.

What is a Sunrise Clock?

Before we look at the actual benefits of using a wake-up alarm clock, it’s helpful to understand exactly what one does. Normal alarm clocks wake you up with an irritating buzzer which doesn’t give you the best start to the day. A sunrise clock is marketed as a more natural way to wake up.

The sunrise clock will turn on a light and adjust the brightness to slowly wake you up at your chosen time. These sunrise clocks use dawn simulation technology to gently wake you up. If you would like to know more about sunrise clocks then is a good place to start.

Gentle Start

A loud beeping alarm might work at getting you out of bed, but it’s not a good start for your body. It will wake you up very quickly which can make it difficult to get out of bed.

A sunrise clock gradually makes the light brighter to wake you from a deep sleep gently. This is much more natural than a standard alarm clock. This gentle start will improve your mood and should make it less difficult to get out of bed. Being woken gently without a start is a fantastic way to begin the day. You should find that you will have more energy throughout the day and will be happier.

Reducing Depression

Depression will affect everyone at some point in their life. It’s even more common during the dull winter months. A sunrise alarm clock provides some artificial daylight which can improve hormone levels and reduce the effects of depression. Many people are finding that a sunrise clock has made a massive improvement to their mood and changed their whole life.

Get you out of Bed Easier

Most alarm clocks have a snooze function which is far too easy to press. A sunrise alarm clock will get you out of bed easier because the room will be bright already. This means that you have woken up without a start and will be more likely to stay awake. If you have a problem with hitting the snooze button, then a sunrise alarm clock could be the perfect answer to your problem.

Artificial Sunset Feature

Many sunrise alarm clocks also have an artificial sunset feature which can be a great way to go to sleep. These will simulate a sunset and gradually dim the lights. These will help to adjust hormone levels in your body and get you ready for sleep. Many people find that this gives them a much better nights sleep so that they wake up feeling fully refreshed and relaxed.

Sunrise alarm clocks are the way forward. If you need to get up at a certain time every morning, and want to do so without upsetting your natural sleep cycle or hormone levels then you should definitely consider a sunrise alarm clock.

1 thought on “The Benefits of a Sunrise Clock”

  1. When I was 13 all I did was sleep, but once I hit my 30’s I no longer needed a clock to wake up, my body just did that for me. I’m 52 now and I’d LOVE to get more sleep…I can go to bed at 11pm and I will wake up at 5am cus my brain won’t rest (I even sleep with my ipad playing sleep things off youtube)


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