Natural Baby Furniture


Today I am not going to write a review or do a giveaway contest. I will do something a bit different. I am going to talk about natural baby furniture and the importance of furnishing your nursery with them and how these will impact both you and your baby’s overall health and well being.

During the first few years of nursery you will collect tons of stuff (both from you and your baby) that you’ll need place to store them. Without realizing how many stuffs I bought over the years while baby sitting, I just kept on buying more and more until now my daughter’s room and the living room are full of toys and it is just out of control. It is hard to have guest over for dinner because it is just a pure chaos. My husband and I wanted to take control of this situation so we started shopping for storage furniture and other furnishing to make our home more appealing again. We found that the ideal natural furniture is not always easy to find. They are either in bad design or is not comfortable at all. With the knowledge I gained from talking to so many furniture experts, I really want to share with you this experience and knowledge so that you can be alert and make a wise purchase when it comes to buying furniture for your home.

Ok, when you are buying a furniture for storage purposes you really need to go for all the storage you think you’ll need and more. If you are buying only for what you have now, you will end up running out of space pretty soon. Especially when you see that stuffed toys on the shelf that is just too cute for you to not get for your precious baby. One purchase after another, you will quickly head back to the spacing chaos again. So plan ahead and buy furniture with more space now. One essential point that you need to bear in mind is you need to get something that you be able to put everything away. If not, the unrestrained clutter will not only frazzling for the nerves, it is bad for your baby’s health. A disorganized room is nearly impossible to keep clean. Sooner than you think, your baby will be crawling after dust bunnies on the floor.

Also, in term of rockers, gliders, and adult chairs that reside in your baby’s room, personal preference should be the guiding force. Try out several options at your local consignment store before swiping that credit card of yours. The wood should be in good repair and formaldehyde free. The older the piece of furniture the more you need to concerned about durability, and the newer the item, the more your should focus on toxicity level. Try to pick furniture that not only serves needs now, (ie, breast-feeding, rocking baby to sleep, resting, reading and etc), but that will also serve your future needs (ie, moves to another room or home, a place for your child to read).

Now the most important thing in selecting a chair is to ensure that the piece of furniture will fit your body comfortably. If your are not comfortable, you will not use it. Also, the pillows you use to accessorize this item can be colored to fit many different rooms and may even be made from remnants of coordinating curtains, beddings, or other fabrics. Using fabric scraps not only saves money and the environment, it offers the added benefit of enabling you to wash the fabric prior to sewing.

I guess I’ll stop here and next time, I will talk about the difference between the conventional furniture and the natural furniture.


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